Do you need additional wireless access points to ensure you have good wifi coverage?
Do you have a speed issue or other performance bottleneck on your Internet or network connection? Maybe you want or need to improve security and need a VPN connection? Maybe you have a large acreage property with multiple buildings and need connectivity throughout? (We really enjoy mid-range wireless solutions like this.) We can help ensure your network works for you, instead of causing frustration or opening you up to risks from hackers. Do you have intellectual property you can really afford to lose? In short, the router and switches on your network lead to reliability and performance of all your computers. This is of utmost importance! Many problems can occur across many devices and / or applications if your network has blank spots, and speed or reliability problems. Your network strength is your foundation that allows the rest of your technology to function correctly. Being able to find and accurately diagnose and resolve problems takes a significant and daunting skill set. We have learned through many years of experience what the key tools and performance metrics we need to gather in order to resolve the root cause of many types of problems. Whether you have hardwired CAT6 gigabit Ethernet, or AC-5600 WiFi and switch-based WAN routing going on, you need speed and performance. We can help ensure your network is organized and managed, and functions correctly. Call us at 208-960-0027 and schedule an appointment today. |